wireless data link

英 [ˈwaɪələs ˈdeɪtə lɪŋk] 美 [ˈwaɪərləs ˈdeɪtə lɪŋk]

网络  无线数据链路; 无线数据线路



  1. While the RTK system is working, the GPS receiver fixed on the base station is taking a continuous observation for all visible GPS satellites, and sending the real time observation data to the moving station over the wireless data link.
  2. Aiming at the need of actual test to UAV wireless data link system, a special automatic test system which applied to UAV wireless data link system has been designed.
  3. Bluetooth Technology is a kind of open specification for wireless data and voice, It is basic on low cost short-range radio link, and it can build a wireless link for immobile and mobile device.
  4. Convenience and mobility of the testing system can be greatly improved by applying wireless data link hence enhance the efficiency of the whole testing procedure.
  5. This paper introduces the protocols of WATM ( Wireless Asynchronous Transfer Mode), which include those of the physical layer, the medium access control layer, the data link control layer, and the mobile ATM.
  6. Frame error rate of physical layer is a key factor that affects the network performance in the wireless data network, and the retransmission technology of wireless link layer is an important measure to improve the degraded network performance in wireless circumstance.
  7. The Wireless Intrusion Detection System Based on Data Link Layer
  8. In wireless packet networks, because we need radio to receive or send data, so a basic problem is how to attach radio protocol to DTE's data link layer and assure communication running well.
  9. Combining the theory with the practice, the thesis realize the design of automatic test system UAV wireless data link system, the thesis finish the system software and the software of test transmitter of the system.
  10. According to the given scheme, the dissertation designed the model of wireless data acquisition system, and carried on the research to software and hardware key technique realization of the each link.
  11. The Development of a Wireless Muscle-Oxygen Content Monitor Based on Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Radio Data Link
  12. Bluetooth is a wireless connection technology of short range and low cost and it can realize a global specification of the wireless transmission of voice and data, and build a link way for fix devices and mobile devices.
  13. Wireless LAN is one of the key technologies on composing mobile computing network ( MCN), it completes the function of physical layer and data link layer in mobile station of MCN, and provides physical interface to MCN.
  14. Based on its great ability of wireless broadband data transmission, Tactical Common Data Link ( TCDL) is very important for future network-centric war.
  15. There exists much difference between wire and wireless data link layer, at length, the paper discusses the problem of how to design wireless data link-layer, with the aim of enhancing the communication quality and better meeting with admission to Internet.
  16. When 3G-324M uses TCP as transport layer protocol, in order to make high use of bandwidth to fit real-time multimedia communication, TCP is optimized in this paper for wireless data link which is long-delayed, low bandwidth and high bit error rate.
  17. The technology of radio over fiber combines both optical fiber communication and wireless access. ROF uses optical fiber to build the backbone of communication network. Combining both advantages of wired and wireless access, ROF can provide more flexible and reliable high-speed data transmission link for communication.
  18. Firstly, a brief description of the wireless data link application status is written, and a detailed analysis is carried out on the system of wireless data link.
  19. Routing selection and resource allocation over links in wireless sensor networks is a combination optimization problem. The method to solve it effectively is to adopt the cross layer optimization by combining physical layer and data link layer.
  20. Multiple Input Multiple Output ( MIMO) wireless technology can effectively improve system capacity and reliability. By taking the advantages of spatial multiplexing and spatial diversity, MIMO technique could increase the data transfer rate, while decreasing wireless link error rate.
  21. Wireless data link is a new direction for the development of the wireless communication technology, as a branch of the whole system, research on information transmission technology of wireless data link is become very important.
  22. The key technologies of wireless mesh networks are in physical layer, data link layer and network layer.
  23. Wireless communication network which can provide high-bandwidth wireless data link and data transmission is a flexible network and easy to installing, maintaining and using.